New Moon Ritual Gatherings

Since 1997, a community of women have gathered to honor and consciously heal through working with the natural cycles and energies of the moon.

landscape-1758167_1920.jpgThe new moon is a powerful time to start something new, focus on a new lesson or habit, and/or commit to transforming an aspect of one’s life. Each month we gather in circle to support our inner journeys and one another. Following a lunar practice within a community of women offers insight, enjoyment and support.

The ritual structure consists of participant introductions, setting sacred space, a short teaching on the Celtic interpretation taken from Celtic Rituals: A Guide to Ancient Celtic Spirituality (Kondratiev, Alexei, 2004), an inward journey (sometimes led, sometimes silent), drawing of tarot or runes, and journaling. Depending on the make-up of the group that gathers, we also use song, drum, dance, and movement.

Forty women are now participating and anywhere between six and twenty women may be at each circle. The ritual space is open to women of varying traditions who are interested in healing while following the lunar cycle. Although the ritual is based in Celtic and Germanic knowledge, we are also welcoming to Buddhists, Pagans, Witches, Jews, and Christians. It is rewarding to learn how to hold our diversity as a community of women while coming together to learn and to heal.

Women are encouraged to come in and out as their schedules allow both in terms of attending and also in terms of how long they can stay on any given day. See the calendar for updates. Location is 3646 14th Ave. S. Minneapolis.


Feel free to come a few minutes early to settle in and help yourself to tea or juice. Ritual will last for about one and one-half hours, but women are encouraged to come and go as their schedule allows. While there is currently no fee to attend this gathering, donations of the heart are welcome.

The ritual is open to women and transgender folks of all cultures and traditions. If you would like more information about the gathering feel free to contact us.